Elixir derives logging infrastructure from Erlang. Starting with version 1.10 which is to be released soon, Elixir fully leverages new custom logging features happened to appear in Erlang/OTP 21+.

While OTP provides the whole infrastructure to deliver logging events to subscribers, the logging itself, in terms of storing / showing log events to the user is supposed to be implemented by the application. For that purpose, the Logger.Backend concept is introduced. The excerpt from the official documentation:

Logger supports different backends where log messages are written to.

The available backends by default are:

:console — logs messages to the console (enabled by default)

Any developer can create their own Logger backend. Since Logger is an event manager powered by :gen_event, writing a new backend is a matter of creating an event handler, as described in the :gen_event documentation.

The initial backends are loaded via the :backends configuration, which must be set before the :logger application is started.

Most common approach that gave a birth to many similar libraries all around is to create a Logger.Backend that understands and prints out JSON, and to attach some log consumer to the file produced. That way logs might reach any log accumulating service, which is usually a NoSQL database, like Elastic.

We also store our logs in Elastic, but the modern way of mastering applications includes providing some metrics with log messages. The standard de facto for OTP applications would be Telemetry, which is a new open source project aiming at unifying and standardising how the libraries and applications on the BEAM are instrumented and monitored.

Telemetry is deadly simple, you call :telemetry.execute/2 whenever in your application and the registered (attached in their terminology) event listener will be called back. Also, there is an ability to attach Telemetry.Poller to query the metrics periodically. The example in the article linked above suggests to call Logger.log/3 from inside telemetry event handler.


The truth is I hate boilerplate code. I want everythign that might be done by compiler, scheduler and workers to be done without me even paying attention to it. For that I often pack the boilerplate into tiny libraries that hide all the boilerplate under their hood and expose clean interfaces to perform actions our application needs. That said, I wanted something that can be called like report("message", payload) to deliver logs, with telemetry data included, to our Elastic storage.

Turns out, it was not too hard to accomplish.

We decided to use a custom Logger.Backend as an interface, so we could inject the desired functionality into already existing projects. Add a new logger backend to the existing project with config :logger, backends: [Our.Fancy.Logger.Backend]—and voilà—logs with telemetry attached are now being sent to Elastic.

That’s how Gelato library appeared. I know severe thoughtful true developers like libraries to be named in less esoteric way, but I am not a true developer by any mean. Bear with me. Although, gelato (which is ice-cream in Italian btw,) is somewhat consonant to elastic.

The library is highly opinionated and it uses convention over configuration paradigm. It packs whatever one might need into a single JSON and sends it to preconfigured Elastic server via HTTP request. It also attaches all the metadata it has an access to, like meaningful data retrieved with Process.info/1 etc.

To start using this library in the project, one should add the following to their config/releases.exs file:

config :gelato,
  uri: "", # Elastic API endoint
  events: [:foo, :bar],         # attached telemetry events
  handler: :elastic             # or :console for tests

config :logger,
  backends: [Gelato.Logger.Backend],
  level: :info

Once added, any call to Logger.log/3, like the one below, will be passed through telemetry and sent to the configured Elastic instance.

Logger.info "foo",
  question: "why?",
  answer: 42,
  now: System.monotonic_time(:microsecond)

Also the library introduces the Gelato.bench/4 macro, that accepts a block and performs two calls to Logger.log/3; one before the block execution and another one right after.

Gelato implies the better interfacing of the projects by introducing Gelato.defdelegatelog/2 macro, which is basically a composition of Gelato.bench/4 and Kernel.defdelegate/2. By using this macro, one might both extract all the interfaces of the project into a limited set of near-the-top modules and make this calls logged and telemetried.


Another Logger.Backend implementation that was born in our tech torture chamber is Envío.Log. It leverages Envío library to send the messages to a dedicated Slack channel. It has it’s own log_level setting, which is usually set to either :warn or :error to prevent a Slack channel from overflooding, and it purges all the calls to levels less that configured at compile time.

The typical configuration would look like:

config :envio, :log,
  level: :warn,        # do not send :info to Slack
  process_info: false  # do not attach process info

config :logger, backends: [Envio.Log.Backend], level: :debug

config :envio, :backends, %{
  Envio.Slack => %{
    {Envio.Log.Publisher, :info} => [
      hook_url: {:system, "YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_API_ENDPOINT"}

Once configured, all the calls to Logger.{warn,error}/2 would be sent to the respective Slack channel. This is extermely handly for monitoring the workflows in production in the real time.

Happy logging!