Elixir data structures are immutable. That’s great from the perspective of insurance your data is not damaged in some other unrelated scope, but that’s a bit annoying when you need to modify deeply nested structure.

We have a brilliant Access abstraction, that allows four main operations on deeply nested terms with helpers exported from Kernel:

the above is supposed to be used like shown below.

# getting the value
iex> users = %{"john" => %{age: 27, mood: "👍"}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}

iex> get_in(users, ["john", :age])
#⇒ 27

iex> put_in(users, ["john", :age], 28)
#⇒ %{"john" => %{age: 28, mood: "👍"}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}

iex> update_in(users, ["john", :mood], & &1 + 1)
#⇒ %{"john" => %{age: 28, mood: "👍"}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}

iex> pop_in(users, ["john", :mood])
#⇒ {"👍", %{"john" => %{age: 27}, "meg" => %{age: 23}}}

It’s handy and it’s working in many cases, unless it does not. To use Access one should know the path to the target element, and it requires a considerable amount of boilerplate to deal with many nested terms (like removind all leafs having nil value, or shadowing all the private fields with stars.)

To cover the demand for easy nested terms traversal, Iteraptor package was created.


Iterating both maps and lists in Elixir is charming. One might chain iterators, map, reduce, filter, select, reject, zip… Everybody having at least eight hours of experience with Elixir has definitely seen (and even maybe written) something like this:

~w|john jane jack joe|
|> Enum.map(&String.capitalize/1)
|> Enum.each(fn capitalized_name ->
     IO.puts "Hello, #{capitalized_name}!"

That is indeed handy. The things gets cumbersome when it comes to deeply nested structures, like a map having nested keywords, lists etc. The good example of that would be any configuration file, having nested subsections.

The amount of questions on Stack Overflow asking “how would I modify a nested structure” forced me to finally create this library. The implementation in Elixir looks a bit more convoluted since everything is immutable and one cannot just traverse a structure down to leaves, modifying whatever needed in-place. The iteration-wide accumulator is required.

That is probably the only example I met in my life where mutability makes things easier. As a bonus the implementation of bury/4 to store the value deeply inside a structure, creating the intermediate keys as necessary, was introduced. It behaves as a proposed but rejected in ruby core Hash#bury.

Also, `

So, welcome the library that makes the iteration of any nested map/keyword/list combination almost as easy as the natural Elixir map and each.



Words are cheap, show me the code

Iterating, Mapping, Reducing

# each
iex> %{a: %{b: %{c: 42}}} |> Iteraptor.each(&IO.inspect(&1, label: "each"), yield: :all)
# each: {[:a], %{b: %{c: 42}}}
# each: {[:a, :b], %{c: 42}}
# each: {[:a, :b, :c], 42}
%{a: %{b: %{c: 42}}}

# map
iex> %{a: %{b: %{c: 42}}} |> Iteraptor.map(fn {k, _} -> Enum.join(k) end)
%{a: %{b: %{c: "abc"}}}

iex> %{a: %{b: %{c: 42}, d: "some"}}
...> |> Iteraptor.map(fn
...>      {[_], _} = self -> self
...>      {[_, _], _} -> "********"
...>    end, yield: :all)
%{a: %{b: "********", d: "some"}}

# reduce
iex> %{a: %{b: %{c: 42}}}
...> |> Iteraptor.reduce([], fn {k, _}, acc ->
...>      [Enum.join(k, "_") | acc]
...>    end, yield: :all)
...> |> :lists.reverse()
["a", "a_b", "a_b_c"]

# map-reduce
iex> %{a: %{b: %{c: 42}}}
...> |> Iteraptor.map_reduce([], fn
...>      {k, %{} = v}, acc -> {{k, v}, [Enum.join(k, ".") | acc]}
...>      {k, v}, acc -> {{k, v * 2}, [Enum.join(k, ".") <> "=" | acc]}
...>    end, yield: :all)
{%{a: %{b: %{c: 42}}}, ["a.b.c=", "a.b", "a"]}

# filter
iex> %{a: %{b: 42, e: %{f: 3.14, c: 42}, d: %{c: 42}}, c: 42, d: 3.14}
...> |> Iteraptor.filter(fn {key, _} -> :c in key end, yield: :none)
%{a: %{e: %{c: 42}, d: %{c: 42}}, c: 42}


iex> %{a: %{b: %{c: 42, d: [nil, 42]}, e: [:f, 42]}}
...> |> Iteraptor.to_flatmap(delimiter: "_")
#⇒ %{"a_b_c" => 42, "a_b_d_0" => nil, "a_b_d_1" => 42, "a_e_0" => :f, "a_e_1" => 42}

iex> %{"a.b.c": 42, "a.b.d.0": nil, "a.b.d.1": 42, "a.e.0": :f, "a.e.1": 42}
...> |> Iteraptor.from_flatmap
#⇒ %{a: %{b: %{c: 42, d: [nil, 42]}, e: [:f, 42]}}


iex> Iteraptor.jsonify([foo: [bar: [baz: :zoo], boo: 42]], values: true)
%{"foo" => %{"bar" => %{"baz" => "zoo"}, "boo" => 42}}

iex> Iteraptor.Extras.bury([foo: :bar], ~w|a b c d|a, 42)
[a: [b: [c: [d: 42]]], foo: :bar]

In Details


Iteraptor.each(term, fun/1, opts) — iterates the nested structure, yielding the key and value. The returned from the function value is discarded.

  • function argument: {key, value} tuple
  • options: yield: [:all, :maps, :lists, :none], :none is the default
  • return value: self

Mapping and Reducing

Iteraptor.map(term, fun/1, opts) — iterates the nested structure, yielding the key and value. The value, returned from the block should be either a single value or a {key, value} tuple.

  • function argument: {key, value} tuple
  • options: yield: [:all, :maps, :lists, :none], :none is the default
  • return value: mapped

Iteraptor.reduce(term, fun/2, opts) — iterates the nested structure, yielding the key and value. The value, returned from the block should be an accumulator value.

  • function arguments: {key, value}, acc pair
  • options: yield: [:all, :maps, :lists, :none], :none is the default
  • return value: accumulator

Iteraptor.map_reduce(term, fun/2, opts) — iterates the nested structure, yielding the key and value. The value, returned from the block should be a {​{key, value}, acc} value. The first element of this tuple is used for mapping, the last—accumulating the result.

  • function arguments: {key, value}, acc pair
  • options: yield: [:all, :maps, :lists, :none], :none is the default
  • return value: {mapped, accumulator} tuple


Iteraptor.filter(term, filter/1, opts) — filters the structure according to the value returned from each iteration (true to leave the element, false to discard.)

  • function argument: {key, value} tuple
  • options: yield: [:all, :maps, :lists, :none], :none is the default
  • return value: filtered


Iteraptor.to_flatmap(term, opts) — flattens the structure into the flatten map/keyword, concatenating keys with a delimiter.

  • options: delimiter: binary(), into: term(), defaults: delimiter: ".", into: %{}
  • return value: flattened

Iteraptor.from_flatmap(term, fun/1, opts) — de-flattens the structure from the flattened map/keyword, splitting keys by a delimiter. An optional transformer function might be called after the value is deflattened.

  • function argument: {key, value} tuple
  • options: delimiter: binary(), into: term(), defaults: delimiter: ".", into: %{}
  • return value: Map.t | Keyword.t | List.t


Iteraptor.jsonify(term, opts) — converts all the keys to binaries and all the keywords to maps.

  • options: everything that is accesped by Iteraptor.map/3
  • return value: the same term with all the keys as binaries and all the keywords converted to maps,
iex> Iteraptor.jsonify([foo: [bar: [baz: :zoo], boo: 42]], values: true)
%{"foo" => %{"bar" => %{"baz" => "zoo"}, "boo" => 42}}

Iteraptor.Extras.bury(term, key, value, opts) — puts the value under the deeply nested key, creating all the intermediate terms if needed.

  • term: term to bury the value into
  • key: key to bury the value under
  • value: value to bury
  • options: [into: :default | :map | :keyword] — map, keyword, or derive it from the parent keys (default)
  • return value: the same term with the new value buried into.
iex> Iteraptor.Extras.bury([foo: :bar], ~w|a b c d|a, 42)
[a: [b: [c: [d: 42]]], foo: :bar]

iex> Iteraptor.Extras.bury([foo: :bar], ~w|a b c d|a, 42, into: :map)
[a: %{b: %{c: %{d: 42}}}, foo: :bar]

iex> Iteraptor.Extras.bury(%{foo: :bar}, ~w|a b c d|a, 42, into: :keyword)
%{a: [b: [c: [d: 42]]], foo: :bar}

The source code is linked above, the package is available through hex.

Happy iterapting!