Sunrise in Torre Mapfre

OTP stands for Open Telecom Platform. It is a historical quirk; Ericsson was a culpritin initiating the development of fault-tolerant software platform, hence Telecom. It turned out, OTP as we know it has nothing to do with Telecom. Nowadays the title has the same connotations with its functionality, as apples are related to medium quality phones.

The main distinguishing feature of the OTP according to the authors, is fault tolerance. Not multithreading, not the actor model, not the rich pattern matching, even not transparent clustering and not hot code upgrades. Fault tolerance.

The virtual machine of erlang on the surface is very simple: there are a bunch of “processes” (not system processes, erlang processes) with isolated memory, that can exchange messages. That’s it. As Joe Armstrong had written once:

In my blog I argued that processes should behave pretty much like people. People have private memories and exchange data by message passing.
Why I don’t like shared memory

The exchange of messages within OTP is deadly simple. One process sends a message to another process (or to a group of other processes,) synchronously, or asynchronously. Note, that it is necessary to know who is to receive these messages. That is, the manager of the exchange is the sender. But what if we wanted to send broadcast and to provide an opportunity to all interested processes to subscribe to this message?

Yes, we are naturally coming to a generic PubSub, but it is not available in OTP out of the box. Luckily enough, all the bricks to build our own implementation are there. Let’s get started.


Elixir includes a module Registry, which can be used as a scaffold для pubsub. We are only to provide several lines of glue code, and the neat care for all workers. The only problem is Registry is local and therefore it doesn’t support clustering. That is, in a distributed environment this beauty would not work.

OK, there is a distributed implementation Phoenix.PubSub, which comes with two implementations: Phoenix.PubSub.PG2 and Phoenix.PubSub.Redis. Well, Redis is clearly the alien link in our chain; but PG2 built on top of the erlang process groups pg2 it our saviour. It still requires a significant amount of code as a boilerplate in each project, though.

That said, we have everything to establish a convenient PubSub subscriptions in our app. Is it a time to open text editor? Not so fast. I personally don’t like to copy-paste code from one project to another. Instead everything that could be separated into kinda library gets extracted for reuse.


Thus was born the package Envío. The talk is cheap, so I would start with showing the code.

Local broadcat → Registry

defmodule MyApp.Sub do
  use Envio.Subscriber, channels: [{MyApp.Pub, :main}]

  def handle_envio(message, state) do
    # optionally call the default implementation
    {:noreply, state} = super(message, state)
    # handle it!
    IO.inspect({message, state}, label: "Received")
    # respond with `{:noreply, state}` as by contract
    {:noreply, state}

This is all the code needed to produce fully functional subscriber. Just add MyApp.Sub to the supervision tree, and this process will begin receiving all the messages sent using functions in MyApp.Pub (which is in turn not too overwhelmed with the code as well.)

defmodule MyApp.Pub do
  use Envio.Publisher, channel: :main

  def publish(channel, what), do: broadcast(channel, what)
  def publish(what), do: broadcast(what) # send to :main

Distributed newsletter → PG2

For distributed systems consisting of many nodes, the approach above would not work. We need to be able to subscribe to messages from other nodes, and Registry is not of any help here. Although we have PG2 implementing the same behaviour that would serve all we need.

defmodule MyApp.Pg2Sub do
  use Envio.Subscriber, channels: ["main"], manager: :phoenix_pub_sub

  def handle_envio(message, state) do
    {:noreply, state} = super(message, state)
    IO.inspect({message, state}, label: "Received")
    {:noreply, state}

The only difference from the standalone code above would be manager: :phoenix_pub_sub parameter that we pass to use Envio.Subscriber call (and use Envio.Publisher as well.) That would produce a module, backed by :pg2 instead of local Registry. Now messages sent through this Publisher will be available on all nodes in the cluster.


Envío supports the so-called backends. The package includes Envio.Slack that allows to utterly simplify sending messages to Slack. All that is required from the application to transparently start sending messages to Slack would be a channel configuration in the file config/prod.exs. Broadcast the message to the channel specified, Envío will take care about the rest. Here is an example configuration:

config :envio, :backends, %{
  Envio.Slack => %{
    {MyApp.Pub, :slack} => [
      hook_url: {:system, "SLACK_ENVIO_HOOK_URL"}

Now all messages broadcasted with MyApp.Pub.publish(:slack, %{foo: :bar}) will be delivered to the appropriate channel in Slack, nicely formatted. In order to stop sending messages to Slack, it’s enough to stop the process Envio.Slack. More examples (e.g. log in IO) can be found in the tests.

Well, why would you continue reading this? Simply try it yourself.

def deps do
    {:envio, "~> 0.8"}

Happy broadcasting!