ActiveRecord Smell With Elixir/Ecto
What? Why?
is arguably the worst approach to deal with the database ever existed. While object-relational mapping definitely might bring some goodness to our lives, the rules AR is built upon can sometimes be shooting our legs.
was really refreshing for everybody suffering from the necessity to conform wild guesses constantly made by AR. Unlike the latter, Ecto
is deadly explicit. Nothing happens under the hood. It performs exactly what the developer wanted to be performed. No gazillions of unsolicited queries, no hidden DB updates when serialized fields change. It’s amazing.
After the year of a pure rapture, I found myself in a need to duplicate some boilerplate amongst different projects. So I decided to implement the most vivid (read: the best) parts of what AR provides in Elixir for Ecto.
Maybe some day I’ll build a package out of this code, now I want to share the way I had it implemented. This would be a tutorial on how to write macros in Elixir even more than reimplementation of AR helpers for the sake of decreasing the boilerplate.
Yes, some things from AR are good enough for me to miss them.
What we want is to have something like this
defmodule Post do
use EctoAR.Query,
repo: MyApp.Repo,
preload: [:user, :comments],
enums: [state: ~w|draft published|]
to have some AR-like goodness for free. What I am after in this writing is:
, params)
Post.scope!(Ecto.Queryable, params)
and some helpers for fun:
Warning Note
If you are not familiar with Elixir Macros, I’d strongly suggest reading the brilliant Metaprogramming Elixir by Chris McCord. It is absolutely worth it even if you are not elixiring on daily basis.
So, we are to produce a macro that will inject the boilerplate into our bare Ecto schemas. Since I want to use it as use EctoAR.Query
, that’ll be a module named EctoAR.Query
, implementing __using__/1
macro. Let’s start with a scaffold.
defmodule EctoAR.Query do
@moduledoc false
defmacrop repo(opts) do
# try `opts`, then try the topmost application’s `config`, then fallback `Repo`
quote bind_quoted: [opts: opts], location: :keep do
with nil <- Keyword.get(opts, :repo),
[{me, _, _} | _] = Application.started_applications(),
nil <- Application.get_env(me, :repo),
do: Module.concat(Macro.camelize(to_string(me)), "Repo")
defmacrop ast() do
quote do
defmacro __using__(opts \\ []) do
repo = repo(opts)
preload =
|> Keyword.get(:preload, [])
|> Macro.expand(__CALLER__)
quote do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{}
| ast()
The above is basically a scaffold we are to fill with the desired functionality. First comes the private macro to do our best in resolving the repository we are to use to connect to our data. It first tries to get the :repo
keyword parameter from options passed to use EctoAR.Query
call, then looks up the application config and finally falls back to default MyApp.Repo
During the compilation stage, we cannot ensure the value provided is legit. It is possible to raise a meaningful exception with a solid description of what’s wrong (and I actually have it in the resulting code,) but for the sake of example let’s assume we are fine with reading docs and providing correct arguments in the call to our macro. For those curious how to implement graceful error in runtime when repo specified cannot be found, check Code.ensure_loaded/1
Also, I’d explicitly note the wise use of Kernel.SpecialForms.with/1
monadic clause. It immediately returns a value as it was found and continues to the next clause otherwise.
The idea of scope/2
is to behave nearly the same as AR’s where
does, but with an explicit check for arguments passed. It should accept any queryable and return a queryable back to provide full support for embedding it in query chains. Here we go.
defmacrop scopes(preload) do
quote do
@spec scope(
query :: nil | Ecto.Query.t(),
params :: Keyword.t()
) :: Ecto.Query.t()
@doc """
Returns an `Ecto.Query` for `where(params)`.
If the first parameter in call to this method
is omitted, defaults to `#{__MODULE__}`.
def scope(query \\ nil, params)
@spec do_scope(
query :: nil | Ecto.Query.t(),
params :: Keyword.t()
) :: Ecto.Query.t()
defp do_scope(query, params) do
case Keyword.keys(params) -- __schema__(:fields) do
[] ->
from(data in query, where: ^params)
|> preload(unquote(preload))
extra ->
raise """
Unsupported fields were passed in call to `#{__MODULE__}__.scope/2`.
Extra fields: #{inspect(extra)}
def scope(nil, params), do: do_scope(__MODULE__, params)
def scope(%Ecto.Query{} = query, params), do: do_scope(query, params)
defoverridable(scope: 2)
The very last method should actually accept any implementation of Ecto.Queryable
, but for the sake of the example, let it be just accepting queries.
OK, once the AST above is injected into Ecto.Schema
instance, the latter receives the ability to call this function like:
Post.scope(author_id: 10, date: ~D[2018-10-30])
#⇒ #Ecto.Query<from data in Post,
# where: data.author_id == ^10 and == ^~D[2018-10-30],
# preload: [:user, :comments]>
Note, that an attempt to pass the filter for inexisting field leads to the exception raised:
Post.scope(author_id: 10, answer: 42)
#⇒ ** (RuntimeError) Unsupported fields were passed in call to `Elixir.Post.scope/2`.
# Extra fields:
# [answer: 42]
Also note, that I made scope/2
overridable FWIW.
That would be easy. In the real life, it is more complicated, since the primary key might be either inexistent or combined, and we would need to tackle with __schema__(:primary_key)
and Kernel.SpecialForms.unquote_splicing/1
, but for the sake of this example let’s keep it simple.
defmacrop find(repo, preload) do
quote do
def find(id) when is_integer(id) do
from(data in __MODULE__, where: == ^id)
|> preload(unquote(preload))
|> unquote(repo).one()
Use it as:
#⇒ %Post{
# __meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:loaded, "posts">,
# user: %User{
# ...
# },
# ...
Anything Else?
One might actually implement and inject as many helper methods as needed, but we are to stop here. I also have scope!/2
that wraps the call to scope/2
with actuall request against the database, returning records not a query.
@spec scope!(
query :: nil | Ecto.Query.t(), params :: Keyword.t()
) :: [Ecto.Schema.t()]
@doc ~s|Returns a dataset for `where(params)`|
def scope!(query \\ nil, params),
do: apply(unquote(repo), :all, [scope(query, params)])
Helpers For Enums
This is completely redundant, but let’s make them to show the power of Elixir macros again.
defmacrop enums(opts) do
|> Keyword.get(:enums, [])
|> Enum.flat_map(fn {prefix, values} ->
|> Macro.expand(__CALLER__) # to allow sigils
|> value ->
quote do
@spec unquote(:"#{prefix}_#{value}")(opts :: Keyword.t()) :: [Ecto.Schema.t()]
@doc ~s|Returns a dataset for `where(#{unquote(prefix)}: "#{unquote(value)}")`|
defp unquote(:"#{prefix}_#{value}")(opts) do
(data in scope(opts))
|> from(where: data.unquote(prefix) == ^unquote(value))
|> unquote(repo).all()
Note, that specs and docs will be caller specific, including real names of functions for these particular enums.
Putting It All Together
All we need to do to make it work, would be to build the AST in the scaffold mentioned above to be injected into our schemas. That would be as easy as
ast =
quote do
@type t :: %__MODULE__{}
| [find(repo, preload) | scopes(preload) ++ enums(opts)]
We are ready to use
our helper in Ecto schemas. Happy macroing!